Friday 7 December 2012


The more I read and look at other blogs about celebrating time, the more calm and relaxed I become. This Christmas and winter is a bit different compared to previous years. I do not rush. Celebration time comes slowly, with its own pace. I am taking my time to feel, smell, touch and enjoy. It is still a time between the beautiful and endless autumn in my heart and the beginning of winter. This is what my last painting is about. It is moment between. A moment between autumn and winter. That invisible gap where I am just in the middle with myself. I am ready to start, to begin to celebrate with joy and peace in my heart.
I am so touched by how many positive thoughts and messages people put in to words or images in their blogs every day. I am so touched by how much we try to heal the world with our love. Every day. Thank you.



  1. Aga, both your words and your portrait are beautiful. It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful holiday season filled with lots of special moments. Enjoy each and every one of them.

  2. Your pace sounds much better than the traditional modern American pace for the holidays! Between is wonderful- esp. love the butterfly and what it represents! Happy PPF!

  3. Lovely, she looks so calm and in the moment! Beautiful butterflies! Happy PPF!

  4. Beautiful painting, beautiful words- thank you.
    Happy PPF,

  5. What a strong image she is and your post is very thought-provoking. Thank you and Happy PPF!

  6. Beautiful post. I love how she is all bundled up. You captured that mood so well. Sweet butterflies. Happy PPF

  7. "Between" is a perfect name for this painting, and this time of year! Happy PPF.

  8. wonderful painting-- and fantastic philosophy!

  9. Strong and creative portrait and wonderfully inspiring post ~ (A Creative Harbor) ~ aka ~ 'artmusedog' ^_^

  10. Beautiful painting! I love that she is surrounded by some butterflies. Happy PPF!

  11. Great words to read and a beautiful painting Aga. Happy PPF, x

  12. This portrait is just stunning, Aga!
    I love it!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  13. What a lovely blog you have!

    I agree with you about taking things slowly. Going out to the stores and seeing the gaudy decorations and loud music is so depressing, but we're in control of what sort of celebration we want to have and how we want to go about getting to it.

    That portrait is wonderful!

    Happy PPF!

  14. What a nice post. I know I can use the reminder to slow down right not...I have been rushing around trying to feel prepared for the holidays. Thank you! :) Happy PPF!

  15. Very nice blog and thank you for your nice words. Love your piece. Nicely done. Happy PPF!

  16. That's a wonderfully strong portrait.

    I'm really looking forward to this years festive season; hosting my first Midwinter feast, and Christmas with my girls, yet there's no panic, just the feeling that all is going ok.

    1. Midwinter feast sounds so yumm. Enjoy. and...create

  17. I love the expression on this face--so serious, thoughtful, patient--

    Happy Paint Party Friday!

  18. Dear Karen that expression -so serious, thoughtful and patient ufortunately or not sounds so much like me :)). Tahnk you. See you at next PPF.

  19. I love how you painted her face with so much personality and expression. Happy PPF

  20. Lovely painting. She is beautiful. I like all those positive thoughts too!
