Monday 24 June 2013


Hello dear ones! I hope you are enjoying first days of summer on the Northern hemisphere. It has been a busy but beneficial time for me. I have painted less but managed to tidy up and sort my art work! It was nice to see how much I have done since last year. I also realized that the process of painting  is a journey. It is a creative and inner journey at the same time. It was also good to see how much I have moved on. And the most important my journey still continues! June is nearly gone. It has been a beautiful, warm, sunny and challenging month. I enjoyed eating delicious and sweet strawberries. But also went through a period of self doubts about my artistic way. It helped me to carry on with positive and supportive thoughts, be kind to myself and believe and trust in the power of the universe.
June has been a month full of colours and flowers.

Water theme has been my inspiration for the last few weeks. Water, tidying up and strawberries- this is how I could describe in the simplest way my June.

Friday 14 June 2013


Life is full of inspirations and beauty. My heart is full of gratitude. I am grateful that I have met wonderful people in my life who have inspired me in so many ways and could share myself with them. There are also people 'who we have met maybe once, perhaps not at all' as Truman Capote wrote in 'Christmas Memory' (beautiful and heart warming short story). People who touched our hearts. Like our lovely neighbour Ingrid, Like the man who we met on the plane and never asked him about his name. Or people who I follow on their blogs. Or homeless Jim who loves dancing and many, many more of beautiful souls who we meet everyday. They all share their hearts with us.
One of my and Scott's favourite memories from Rhodes is a memory of a Beeman. We met him and his wife accidentally during driving through the mountain range. He was selling homemade products in his little caravan trailer. He let us to try them and at the same time he opened his heart by giving us the most charmful and welcoming smiles. We called him a Beeman. If you ever drive through the mountains in Rhodes and notice a little trailer, please stop by and try his lovely honeys and herbs. We also took a photo of him and his wife. They both proudly and happily presented their little yummy creations. Beautiful simplicity and way of living. Inspired by this memory, Scott put the Beeman's story into a beautiful song. Please listen and enjoy (here ).

My latest works are paintings of memories from Rhodes. I wanted to put and capture lots of light and healing blue on them. Both painting were based on the photos taken in Rhodes. 'In my garden' is a pastel painting which describes present time, mostly my spare afternoons which I spent in the garden.
Love and blessings to you all.

In my garden

Blue Light

Thursday 6 June 2013


Aloha beautiful souls. We are back home again. After living 7 years away from my fatherland and reading 'Breakfast at Tiffany's during our holidays I really believe that home is where your heart belongs. I built little nest in Scotland but part of my heart always will be in Poland where my parents live.
People have need of travelling in their system. At least I do have. The need of change, break, distance yourself from every day reality, distance form everything which we know and get used to. World is such a big place and there is so much to see, experience and learn from it. I had my break at Rhodes. I could not even imagine how beautiful that place can be. I wrote few days ago in my morning pages: 'sun, goats on the beach, snails and lemon tress, juicy and sweet tomatoes, cats and olives and no rush at all, everything is away, my thoughts are calm, I am relaxed, resting at last! It is so good to have time to sketch the sunset or sleeping Scott when I am awake already in the morning. It is so good to switch off all must, should and have to and just be, just breathe and be for the moment.'
Everybody is different. We are all special and unique. Everybody experiences things in their own way. This my little experience of Greece which I would like to share with you,  captured in the camera. I hope you enjoy it too.