Friday 14 July 2017


It has been mild summer so far but beautiful as well. Do you feel sometimes so delightful about the whole life that you cannot even embrace this delight? There is so much beauty in this world, so much love around, so much creation. Summer with my son. We spend days playing in the garden, picking raspberries and pea pods, wandering at the river and going to the seaside. He is a great companion and teacher. He taught me to stay in the present, to be always open to spontaneous joy, that everything is the matter of choice and nothing stays the same forever.

Elliot's art. First murals.


  1. Such beautiful pictures, and such wonderful time with your son, very magical ! Picking raspberries and enjoying nature sounds perfect to me! I am on constant awe of nature, I agree!
    Wow, what a delight to see his art! Fantastic!
    Victoria, (from the dreaming palette)

  2. Yes! There is so much wonderfulness. It can get lost in the shuffle of our busy days. The trick is to be present, to be aware and to marvel in it, never taking it for granted. You are so good at this!

    Thank you for the reminders and for the glimpse into your beautiful world.
