Sunday 7 September 2014

The gifts of nature I

Hello beautiful souls! Autumn is here. It has been a quite hard few weeks with lots of ups and downs. I decided to slow down a bit with amount of work which I am taking to be able to connect with myself again, with my needs and creativity. I did my last workshop at The New Earth Works. It was an interesting and inspiring in many ways experience. The most important was creating simple works using natural materials which gave me a sense of lost and found connection with nature. Also I have been working on commission painting for good few weeks now. It is nearly done and I cannot wait to start painting my pieces again. 
Have a lovely autumn!


  1. Beautiful artwork, love how you have added nature items to it and great photos. Have a wonderful week dear friend xx

  2. Very interesting and wonderful composition, I particularly like the red background!

  3. Enjoy your autumn, too, Aga. I was reluctant for summer to be over, but even so I'm feeling a bit of excitement at the change of the seasons.

    Your photos are wonderful and I'm glad that you've been able to step back and give yourself the time and space you need for reconnecting. It's so important, isn't it?

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

  4. Looks much like a dream catcher...very nice! Take care!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. Great photos and I love your creation. It looks like it was just pure fun to make.

  6. Beautiful post, there is nothing so beautiful as nature! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Love your natural creation Aga. Happy PPF, Annette x

  8. That frame is a marvelous way to display the natural beauty and wonders of nature. Your photography has some very interesting points of view too. Happy PPF and Blessings!

  9. What a beautiful way to display the seasons. I might take your inspiration and use it.
    I am reluctant to leave each season and this seems a perfect way to remember.
    Your photos are fantastic. I love black and white ;D
    Happy PPF

  10. I love how you are connecting your art with nature-there is such a comforting feel to these pieces. Love them. Happy PPF!

  11. Beautiful photos Aga and I too have taken a little time out for 'me' space so understand your period of quietness. Great news on the commission. Looking forward to seeing the finished piece. Much love x

  12. What a lovely idea! I like that you have used things from nature to make this whimsical piece. I love your photos of Queen Anne's Lace, too. Very nice.

  13. Ooh, this is quite different than I've seen you do in the past. I like it. :)

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