Monday 10 December 2012

Delicate and small

 Closer and closer to the end of the year. Another weekend is gone.  It was a weekend full of different experiences and emotions. I experienced being totally upset and happy, calm and scared. I found time to paint and I enjoyed it so much. My partner baked the yummiest bread ever and created beautiful music which makes me very calm and relaxed whenever I listen to  it (you can watch the beautiful video and listen here) . Also I realised after writing my last post that there are few times 'between' in my life now. It is time between seasons, time between then and now, time between old and new and time between being far and close together. I always will be somewhere between. I did my last painting quickly last evening I rushed a bit but I really wanted to finish it somehow and put all my emotions and thoughts through into it. It is about something which is delicate and small but strong and resistant at the same time. Maybe it is about me now...


  1. Your painting is very beautiful. It is very possible to be small but very strong at the same time. I am going to think more about all of the in between times we experience each day. Have a good day Aga.

  2. I love your painting, Aga. I think of a plant resting between blooming. I am sitting in Boston in an unexpectedly quiet moment in-between things, having tea and toast and listening to Scott's music, and reading your words and looking at your paintings. <3

  3. My beautiful Lisa. It is so nice that we can be in touch through blogs as well. Thank you so much for all your nice and kind words and thoughts. I really hope we will see each other again one day. By the way your quiet moment sounds so beautiful. LOTS and LOTS of love to you.

  4. Dear Aga, I am so thankful for you. :) Lots and lots of love to you too. I am sure we will meet again. :)

  5. I love it, nice composition. Exquisite berry.

  6. Thanks Leovi. I have just started new painting. It is inspired by my winter mood, shadows on my window,Lisa Gerrard's music and...also by your glass universe. So thank you so very much for inspiration. Have a good weekend.
